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Exams - Five Mistakes to Avoid when studying

The success factors in the study seem clear: have an appropriate place, be organized, study in advance, sleep the night before the exam ... But what are the errors? Often highlights good practices and are obviated which can destroy all of the above. This article refers to five mistakes to avoid when studying becomes five unhealthy habits that must be present and not do: studying lying without a fixed schedule, without breaks, first to devote time and allow for easy end how hard or have about items that may mislead, as the mobile phone.

Exams - Five Mistakes to Avoid when studying

1. Study lying

Posture is key to improving the quality of the study. Therefore it is always advisable to study sitting to keep the focus on what we do. However, some people prefer to do it in bed or lying on the couch. Experience discouraged this position, because although most comfortable at certain times, facilitates sleep and prevents the study.

But further study may involve lying incorrect or awkward postures that affect the back and neck and therefore cause pain in this area of ​​the body. The gestures that are made to be lying are more likely to cause injury than we do sitting in a chair. Stay in this position for a long time has a negative influence on the column.

"The Web of the back" of the , includes a special section for schoolchildren and adolescents where reasons that may hurt his back and was advised to study in a chair with a straight back, "back relatively straight detailed and arms or elbows ". Regarding the feet should reach the ground to adopt a comfortable position. It is not advisable to hang.

2. Lack of a fixed schedule

It is advisable to study at any time or do it every day in a different time. Booking is a fixed space that matches the time of day in which you have greater willingness to study, either in the morning or afternoon -at night, it is preferable to be rested- sleep. So it makes the brain and body get used, which increases performance.

The organization is essential. A study is learned. You have to make time for study in the agenda. Besides homework and extracurricular activities, they should devote some time each day to study. At first the parents who will help the children to organize and then be the responsibility of these. A personal schedule and commitment to fulfill improving study habits and academic results.

3. Do not take breaks

The anxiety before an exam, lack of time, stress and the feeling that there are not enough hours to study the entire syllabus leads to spend many hours without looking up from the notes. However, this is detrimental to the aims pursued. It is important to take breaks every 45 or 60 minutes to stretch muscles, avoid loading the back and rest your mind to resume learning hard.

It is advisable to keep the study habit every day to take the matter up, but equally, try to finish the day with a sport or entertainment, spend some time reading, music or other task with the enjoy it. In fact, in organizing the study, it is advisable to include the time devoted to rest. Yes, you have to respect that time and not extend in any way.

4. Consider first the easiest

With the intention that the task of study will be lighter, often begins to study the subject or matter that is easier. However, you should do just the opposite. Since the start study is fresher and rested mind, should start by the heavier materials or involving more difficult for students. Thus, when you feel tired, it will be used to revise the simplest questions.

The Federation also advised to "leave the easiest jobs to the end" and never "study materials that may interfere" as "English vocabulary in German," he says. In any case, recommends starting in a gentle way "to get down more easily," but not avoid difficulties, but face them.

The website "Learning to learn" collected from general advice to other concrete to improve study skills. In addition, the study proposes a test to see if you learn the right way or practices that need improvement. A total of 58 questions concerning the place of study, the environment or the time devoted to this function must be answered. At the end of the test, an analysis of the mode of study (Papyrus 2 web) who has answered the questions as well as a series of recommendations for improvement occurs, if necessary.

5. Screening mobile phones away from your study table

The use of new technologies has changed the habits of study. Internet is already widely used in replacement of traditional encyclopedias tool, tablets are called to be the new media of digital books and even mobile phone has entered the classroom. But the latter should stay away when an exam is prepared, in order to avoid confusions and tempted to send a message or read emails on your phone.

The table where you study should be clear of items that will not be used to contain all the study material: notes, highlighters, pencils, pens, etc. Only if you want to make a timely consultation with a partner or find necessary information, you should consult your phone or other device to access it.


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