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Different trading sessions around the world

OTC Forex market is open to foreign exchange trading around the clock - from Sunday until Friday New York time.

Different trading sessions around the world

It is usually divided into trading day trading sessions, each of which refers to one of the major centers of trade. These centers differ the most liquid currency pairs, trading hours, and market participants.

Further detail the main centers of currency trading and at work.

Wellington and the New Zealand trading session

New Zealand's trading session, in which first presented market participants from Wellington, opens at 15:00 EST every Sunday.

Sydney session opens two hours later, however, the Forex is still a relatively liquid prior to its opening.

From Monday to Thursday (EST) within two hours of the New Zealand session running in parallel with the more active of the New York session and fades into the background.

New Zealand does not open session on Friday, because in New Zealand already Saturday.

Sydney trading session

Sydney trading session that focused trading activity in Sydney, Australia. Most of the time it works in parallel with the New Zealand session, which opens and closes two hours earlier.

Sydney session opens at 17:00 EST; at this time usually closes the New York session, and there is an automatic rollover (rollover). New York foreign exchange market is closed on Sundays, so spreads are usually wider in Wellington, and then in Sydney, as the Forex is less liquid, have not yet joined the Tokyo traders.

Starting from 19:00 EST Sydney session running in parallel with the Tokyo session and closes at 2:00 EST, when Sydney closed banks.

Tokyo, or the Asian trading session

Asian trading session that focused trading activity in Tokyo, Japan. However, here also should include and dealer activities of market participants from Hong Kong and Singapore.

Tokyo session opens at 19:00 EST and operates in parallel with the Sydney session about 2:00 EST, when Sydney closed banks.

Start of the London trading session coincides with the end of the Tokyo session - both sessions run in parallel within one hour of 3:00 EST the Tokyo session, before closing at 4:00 EST. This is one of the most active periods in foreign exchange trading.

London trading session

The most active foreign exchange trading is conducted during the trading session in London, England. During the session, usually has the highest volatility of exchange rates. London trading session is open from 3:00 EST to 12:00 EST.

In the London session, market participants operate from continental Europe, including professional traders working in the leading banks in Frankfurt, Milan, Zurich and Paris, whose working day usually begins at 2:00 EST.

London session running in parallel with the New York session to 8:00 EST. The period of parallel operation of the New York and London trading sessions usually is the most liquid and active period of trading in the Forex market.

The New York trading session

The New York trading session runs from 8:00 EST to 17:00 EST, when the offer Sydney trading session. This happens during the week except Friday, when the Sydney trading session is closed for the weekend.

After the close of New York trading session, trading resumes or closed for the weekend on Friday.

Professional forex dealers and brokers currency options in New York often pass their "books" dealers from Sydney to 17:00 EST. An exception is Friday, when the Sydney session is closed and the "book" can not be transferred.


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