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Individual online classes, how are they?

The school support is essential for some students. It requires the beginning of the course, during or especially during exam time to review the contents of which will be evaluated. As for the options, in addition to traditional classes, you may receive via the Internet. This latter method is becoming more common, but still many people who do not know how it works. This article explains how the particular online classes as well as three platforms that hire them are given.

Individual online classes, how are they

How a particular class is taught online

The particular online classes are an alternative to displacement and rigid schedules. Characterized by these and other common to the platforms that impart characteristics. Especially practical for specific times, such as examination period, since it is possible to hire one or more classes as needed. But how such a class is taught? Are they very different from the traditional classroom sessions?

You need an Internet connection. This is the key element. To receive a tutorial online, you need to have Web connection. Classes are received via videoconference, which are possible from anywhere connection is available. Students receive a link to be connected to either have a password to access the platform from which the class is taught. The audio and video are the two main sources of support.

The necessary equipment is not limited to a computer. To receive a support class through the Internet is required to have a computer or tablet, webcam, headset and sometimes, a device that allows digital writing.

The student accesses a virtual classroom. As classes are not physical, classrooms either. It draws on a virtual whiteboard that students are directly on your screen and where the teacher meets the concerns and exercises. This board is used to share documents explaining that students can download.

Classes are recorded to see new content. In general, classes are recorded and the student has videos to regain access to the contents in case expresses doubts. These videos are very useful to review the contents of the class.

Teachers and students do not have to share origin. Al taught classes through the Red, teachers and students do not always share the same location. On the contrary, it is customary to share classroom students and teachers who come from different provinces.

Classes are held to a student or to several. A student may hire a tutor to himself or to book the services of someone who teaches several students at a time. Sometimes, several students in the same classroom course and choose to join and receive a tutorial to clarify questions on the same subject.

There flexitime for classes. This is one of its main advantages. Students decide when receiving classes. They hire the days and times that suit them. It is possible that in some cases share classroom with more people, depending on schedules.

The price depends on the number of contracted classes, class size, level ... tutorials on line intended to be cheaper than conventional ones by eliminating the cost of displacement of teachers. Each session costs between 6 and 20 euros, depending on the number of students, the level of education and the number of classes that are contracted. The more classes are reserved -there available- bonds, the lower your price.

Three platforms tutoring online

It is customary for the Red generate doubts about the fact not physically see the academy or the teacher who teaches the class. For this reason, some platforms proposed receiving a free trial class service to meet and decide on hiring more classes. This is the case of the first two proposals outlined below:

Etueri. This educational platform has specialized tutors who teach in Castilian and English. The subjects of mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, English and Spanish are reinforced. To enter, you have to register on the platform, selecting materials, educational level, teacher, dates and times.

Educalive. He teaches private lessons, whose dynamics can be previewed in explanatory videos, and various courses of university entrance. You need to register on the website, access the virtual campus and selecting tutorials. A counter indicates the number of classes that are contracted and marks received. Five minutes before the start of the session, enable a button that gives access to the virtual classroom to the student.

Smart Academy. The particularity of this platform are the classes taught by a system of high definition video conferencing in HD. Primary school and secondary school, elderly who want to pass the entrance examination for college students Vocational training courses, language classes and engineering and architecture are given. By registering, the student receives a link via email and just clicarlo to access the virtual classroom.


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