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Receive insurance compensation is always a pleasure, even if the payment amount is small

Receive insurance compensation is always a pleasure, even if the payment amount is small
Receive insurance compensation is always a pleasure, even if the payment amount is small. But it so happens that just do not want to spend the time to collect documents and do all this red tape only in order to obtain compensation for any broken headlight and a bent antenna. On the other hand, you, of course, it is a shame, because you insure a car for this risk and pay money for it. In order to avoid such situations, there is insurance deductible. 
The definition of unconditional franchise sounds like this: this condition of the insurance contract, the insurer from releasing payments if the amount of damage does not exceed the prescribed amount. Franchise is a way of getting rid of the small settlement of losses, which to some extent makes life easier and the insurer and the insured. If you insure a car in "Ingosstrakh" with a deductible of $ 100, then your discount can reach up to 18%! And with a deductible up to $ 300 - up to 42%. 
The company "Alfa Insurance" franchise agreement can save up to 10% of the total amount of insurance. The insurance deductible is most commonly used in the area where the essential role played by the price of insurance, including, and car insurance.

Conditional and unconditional franchise

In insurance deductible is of two types: conditional and unconditional. The difference between them is that the deductible is subtracted from the amount of damage. For example: the damage amounted to $ 220, while the deductible is $ 200. As a result, you will pay only $ 20 refund.
 In the case of a conditional franchise everything easier. You get the full amount of damages, but in the framework of the franchise. The latter option is more advantageous for clients of the insurance company, but the savings on the price of the policy is lower than using unconditional franchise. If you want to buy a franchise, think for a start, to what extent are you ready yourself to indemnify and vote in monetary terms their efforts and the time you spend on an appeal to the insurer for payment. 
Taking into account all costs, you can get the minimum level of the franchise. Insurance with a deductible of CTP has not yet been introduced, because it contradicts the basic idea of the CTP, and is unlikely to represent the interests of policyholders.


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