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What to look for when insuring shops and warehouses?

What to look for when insuring shops and warehouses

One of the main issues that arises in the design of policy at the store or shopping store - how to determine the sum insured. Use the carrying value of property, market or replacement? We recommend the use of replacement cost - which makes it possible to receive a refund of the cost of similar assets excluding depreciation.

If the assessment is made at market value - in the calculation of the payment on the fact of the insured event will be considered by the wear of the object. The carrying value of property, as a rule, always understated. Accordingly, the policyholder will receive a payment that does not cover its actual losses.

The second caveat - the product line shop or goods which are stored in a warehouse. Insurer alcohol, paint products, medicines, furniture, auto products - fire risk products. Accordingly, the rate for such facilities is higher than for other areas.

Determining the amount of the insurance product, it is best to start from the value of the maximum balance of goods. This approach eliminates the under insurance - so that payment will be made in full, without the use of proportion.

Errors customers property insurance float, in most cases at the stage of settlement of losses. Even if the sum insured is determined correct, including all the risks - often that violated the norms of fire safety. Fire inspector does not even know the existence of this facility, the facility no fire extinguishers (although their presence stated) and the necessary documentation. To prevent such situations in our company have a security specialist, whose mission - to identify and show the client such dangerous things like clutter passes, access to fire shields, violation of storage. Well, when the owners do not forget that the company - it's not just building products; on-site working people who in case of fire should be allowed to leave the premises.

In the selection of insurance coverage, I would recommend the client to ask additional coating, which may be included in an insurance contract. We are talking about insurance risk business interruption - which allows you to compensate for losses due to lost profit and operating costs that arise during the period of interruption of activity. For the existence of such insurer covering - it's an incentive to speed up the process of compensation for material losses. As a result, the client is able to quickly recover their property and to resume the activities and the insurer, without tightening the settlement process, reduce the amount of compensation for financial losses.

The range of insurance rate sufficiently broad and depends on several factors. These include: a list of risks, the size of the franchise, the type of activity, the presence of security devices and systems, and a number of other criteria. If we talk about insurance of the building, the average rate can be up to 0.08% of the sum insured. The average cost of insurance products - 0.1% of the sum insured.

Typically, the insurance contract is paid in one payment, but there is always the possibility to split the payment, for example, 2-4 pieces.

It is important to carefully approach the issue of choice of risks insured object. For example, we have had experience with a trading company, which we discussed in detail the coverage for goods. The negotiation process was acute issue of reducing the insurance rate by eliminating unlikely (as believed client) risks. The most important for the customer were the risks of fire and theft, which in our insurance programs are highlighted separately and at the same time have a lot of weight (50-70%) in the rate. Exception as other risks (natural disasters, hitting the vehicle) would allow the customer to save significantly. We still managed to convince insurers that it is better to buy full coverage. Later, when the company's warehouse was flooded with water, it was discovered that the cause of the flood began to wrongful acts of third parties (which is at the stage of negotiations would exclude). Attackers waded into the next room client and unscrew the metal taps on the water supply system ... there are no coincidences only chance.


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