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Cosmetic damage insurance

Cosmetic damage insurance

It is understandable why forget or confuse what are really safe. At first they thought were the worst and most serious, a possible fire that left us without a home or business, besides losing all the belongings we had inside. Over the years, insurance companies have been adding new coverage and services to its policies (a few examples of the most common security today in home insurance, although each year increase) to improve and differentiate themselves to reach a greater number of potential customers.

Finally we think, because we have gone so slowly educating, which are insurance for all. And they should not be for the necessary, important and serious. Knowing that the liability insurance on things is based on the compensation principle (which seeks the interests of the insured remain unharmed to be financially compensated for the total or partial loss of the "damaged thing," and that by law we can not get a unfair advantage or profit) we find that the guarantees of insurance relating to property (home, community, shops, ...) there is one that tends to create some confusion among policyholders, I mean to cover cosmetic damage or cosmetic restoration.

The purpose of this guarantee, essential to this day, is leave us the same or as close as possible all our goods to the state they were in before the accident occurs, and prevents us assume sinister repair "damage" to the aesthetic harmony of the premises or partially damaged room, using quality materials similar to those we had before the accident. This is not something that looks ugly or damaged by use or by faulty manufacture or assembly, the insurance company has to change a new one. Here are some common examples for better understanding:

1 -. A water leak in the bathroom and appears to locate and repair the leak is necessary to break several floor tiles. In the market there are no longer equal parts, so we proceed to change the entire tiled bathroom not to let two parts of different floor.

. 2 - We suffered a small fire in the kitchen. After being compensated for what was lost in the fire, proceed to repair the kitchen. When painting the wall that has suffered the damage we see that it is not possible to match the color with the rest of the walls, so it is necessary to paint the entire kitchen the same color.

. 3 - To repair a leak must be accessed through the living room of the house and remove heavy furniture that leads inexorably break a baseboard. Once fixed the leak, the baseboard will be reset, and if there is a similar one will change all of that room.

We should note that this warranty usually has two limits, which must be specified in our insurance policies:

1 -. Spatial limit, it is usual that only the aesthetic is restored in the room who has suffered the loss.

2 -. Economic limit, there will be a maximum capital for use in the repair of the affected quarter aesthetics.

The latter can be a drawback if the loss occurs over a very large area or high value item. In this case we can put us the amount remaining to renew all affected by the aesthetic damage surface or be a bit clever and the insured that we have redone the aesthetics of the room (eg creating new zones or combining new colors ).


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