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The main fears of the people in relation to insurance

The main fears of the people in relation to insurance

If you look at the scope of insurance and financial institutions work, you will notice that most people are afraid to trust the insurance companies and banks their money. What kind of fears they are guided and can they be overcome?

1. Many of the acquired fears in financial affairs after the destruction of the USSR, all bank deposits just disappeared. And they worry that the possible repetition of this situation. To not be afraid to lose your money, you should know that there are financial groups with a large liquidity of assets and stable replenishment of capital - their failure is practically impossible (for this to be matched by many factors, which is unlikely).

2. There is a category of people who are sure that they earn too little to set aside at least Kikuyu a small amount. But do they think about their future, neglecting the insurance and bank accounts? What would happen if they suddenly have problems with work or health? You need to prepare yourself in advance for the ability to spend, and if at least a little bit to change attitude to money, you can save them and multiply. So, leaving 10% of the income will not change significantly your everyday life, but eventually become a good amount of savings. These tips are worth considering, and those who live beyond their means and spends too much.

3. There are people who believe that insurance and the deposits are not necessary, since they have enough money. But can we be absolutely sure that you do not face bankruptcy, your business will not be burned, and the money does not depreciate? Do not forget that the material, unfortunately, there is no eternal, and your true wealth is within you.

4. Some people do not understand, why put it off or insure themselves. They do not think about the bad cases where they may need help, and believe that their troubles will always get round. Well, if so, but the plan of self-help in an emergency is necessary for everyone.

5. Perhaps the main reason that people are afraid of insurance - it is their financial illiteracy. They believe that it is better to hide the money in the closet than to give someone for a better use. In general, without knowing anything about the money and the work of financial institutions, such people prefer to remain unprotected, than to ensure their safety and welfare.


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