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How to protect yourself from fraud insurance company?

How to protect yourself from fraud insurance company

If the insurance company bad faith, then in its arsenal is the mass of the tricks used for denial of payments to policyholders, so it reduces their costs. With new insurance options and complex fraud cases, way too changed and improved, and thus more likely to suffer gullible customers who are either careless or trying to save money. How can you protect yourself before the insurance company and not to become a victim of her tricks?

Generally think about the reliability of the insurer should be before the conclusion of the contract with him, collecting the maximum available information about him. Find out how long the company exists and is engaged in the insurance business, read and listen to the reviews about it from customers with whom the company has worked. Certainly inquire about the conditions of the contract of the kind of insurance that you are interested.

Remember that you are denying the insurer will always refer to the rules of the insurance or signed agreement, so say what you wrongfully denied, you can only know the conditions of the contract. So it should be read and carefully.

To protect themselves from possible failure to pay compensation, you need:

(1) Good to review the contract, and in particular section in which written reasons for denials in payments and exceptions. Should do it before you put signature. Do not forget to pay dues on time according to the contract, if the payments provided for parts. All causes of failure is written in the contract and it is often due to carelessness in the future client receives a "surprise". And as soon as the insurance company will decide - in case you have insurance or not.

How to protect yourself from fraud insurance company?

(2) Follow all terms notice that the insured event occurred. Sometimes the insurance company prescribes notify it directly from the scene and, if you have not considered or have not seen this requirement, a "surprise" in the form of non-payment will be unpleasant. You should also record all documents that you submit to the insurer (and desirable to make copies, especially event notification and application for payment).

(3) Restore the vehicle before he was examined by a representative of the insurer, not worth it. If the company is strongly addictive viewing, can conduct an independent examination, but notify the insurer about it.


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