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Touching TouchSense technology touches the owners of mobile phones

Touching TouchSense technology touches the owners of mobile phones Transmission of tactile sensations on various distances through the Internet and mobile phones - this is just what we can expect from the scientific - technical progress in the very near future. It's time to see how things are going, and how to progress.

If you remember, tactile sensitivity - the feeling that occurs when the action on the skin surface of different mechanical stimuli.

This kind of touch depends on the type of exposure: touch, pressure, vibration (rhythmic touch).

Tactile stimuli are perceived by free nerve endings, nerve plexus around the hair follicles.

And very soon, says the BBC, and shows the possibility to virtually touch each other will be the owners of mobile phones.

The American company Immersion, whose name translates as "immersion", announced that we will be able to "touch" each other on the mobile phone within a year.

Probably - in January 2004 - the first, if negotiations with manufacturers of communication will be successful, and it's going to.

We are talking about technology TouchSense, on which Immersion 1993 makes joysticks for game consoles, computer mice and other peripherals.

To all this, the company has more than 150 patents from - for violations of the conditions which, in February 2002, even Immersion sued Microsoft and Sony - they illegally incorporated the technology into Xbox and PlayStation, respectively.

Then another scandal erupted: British doctors found that the 15 - year-old boy injured his hand playing with a vibrating joystick on the PlayStation to 7 hours per day.

Syndrome, which has picked up the teenager - hand - arm vibration syndrome - usually found in workers dealing with vibrating industrial equipment. But we're not talking about the courts and diseases, so leave it.

In general, Immersion, to fit in TouchSense mobile, miniaturized their manipulators with feedback received phone that produces various kinds of vibration.

That inequality vibration strength and frequency of which can be controlled, and the company considers its main achievement:

"Today, mobile phones vibration causes the same monotonous feeling like the sound made when you press the same key piano - explains Immersion Representative Jeffrey Eid (Jeffrey Eid). - We can play a variety of music and combine them to make chords sound like. "

Prototype "tactile" mobile which Immersion presented at the exhibition Electronics Show in Las - Vegas (Consumer Electronics Show - CES), demonstrated the possibilities TouchSense games for mobile phones. For example, the unit on - different vibrates when shooting, reloading weapons, conveys some of the "road" feeling in the race.

Developers, of course, emphasize that the toy is not limited. The next step - is the vibrator for each individual subscriber, as well as sets of vibrations to indicate the emotions that will be transmitted in encoded short text messages.

According to representatives of Immersion, bringing "haptic" technology in the phone will add no more than one dollar to the cost of its production, but in the future it will be possible to adapt TouchSense and handheld computers.

In short, the transfer of tactile sensations on the phone Immersion promises us through the year, and the work in this direction, of course, not only in the said company.
However, the tasks are somewhat different.

Thus, the firm SensAble Technologies, involvement in the experiment with a handshake over the Internet, developing technology of three-dimensional computer simulation of FreeForm.

Works as follows: using a device that resembles a ballpoint pen on a tripod, the user can literally sculpt a virtual object on any known principle of "cutting off all unnecessary."

The device makes it possible to perceive the simulated object, and "fashion" with FreeForm can be almost everything from sneakers to ancient sculpture.

And at the University of Tokyo (University of Tokyo) Takuya Nojima (Takuya Nojima) is developing a system that will transmit real-time tactile feedback to surgeons during operations, will enable blind people to perceive objects or visitors online museums.

As is usually the case with innovations, touch through electronics, the Internet and mobile phones delights not all.

Some call venture stupid and pointless, others perceive technology as a cunning attempt to companies - producers to stimulate the demand for expensive but useless toys.

And as for the boy, who suffered from a vibrating joystick, oddly enough, no one remembers.


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