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Thinking about retirement do not leave for tomorrow!

Thinking about retirement do not leave for tomorrow!

Retirement. In some ways, we seek to retire because we imagine enjoying what we could not do so far, with all the time in the world to enjoy our loved ones, activities, enjoy vacation when we want, etc. .., or at least, we have sold.

However, the reality is not as we painted. The pension reform will enter into force in January 2014 will mean a significant reduction in the income of future pensioners and not the last we see.

Why? To answer this question we must first know that our current public pension system is based on a sharing formula, which, what a worker contributes to the Social Security pension, used to pay the salary of people who are retired, so, when the worker retires, his pension salary will depend on what they enter the social security workers who are currently shopping at the time.

This system can not be maintained due to increasing life expectancy and declining birth rate, which is causing a decline in the number of people of working age. We have now reached a point where the number of Spaniards over 65 years has equaled that of under 14 years. Therefore, we expect that more reforms that reduce retirement salaries to maintain future pensions.

We must raise awareness of the importance of creating a supplement to social security pension for when we retire, lower income it is not so great. Keep in mind that at present, while a retired Spanish charge on average 80% of their contribution base, a German charge 45%, and although comparisons are odious, to keep the public pension system, the trend is to further reduce the percentage of pay.

There are several options for creating a complement to our board and we should not make the mistake of thinking that private pension funds are the only choice. Depending on the amount of income, if we make tax return, saving our ability or stability of our income we choose one or the other formula.

Your insurance broker you can analyze your financial circumstances and recommend the option that best suits your current needs.

And most importantly, you must be aware that the sooner you make the decision to create a plugin for your retirement, the lower the economic effort that will have to do.


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