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Insurance can choose?

Insurance can choose?
No one can say that his life will never be any emergencies. And so they do not impact on your physical capabilities, there are insurance. They will help you to protect yourself financially in the future, but initially you need to decide what kind of state of emergency should insure and in what areas most important to you to have financial security.

The main types of insurance:

1 Medical. If you insure yourself voluntarily (buy VHI), you can quickly and without any difficulties getting health care when needed. Buying such a policy, decide whether you want to be screened regularly complex or you have enough monthly visit to any particular expert. Also, consider whether you want to be served in a regular clinic or in a prestigious location. All these characteristics will affect the cost of insurance. Your policy will be more expensive, if the level of the institution will be higher, and the number of insurance claims - more.

Take advantage of health insurance is simple: if you are sick, you need to dial a number, which you will find in the policy and tell you in detail what to do next. At the same time it is important that it was a case of your insurance policy. For example, if you have a toothache and dental services in the policy is not, then the insurance will not help.

2 Travel. Now go without insurance in most countries the tourist will not work. Purchase policy will protect you if you get sick on the trip - it will provide you the necessary treatment and even home delivery. Almost always travel insurance only related to emergency assistance and low risk. If you are going abroad for elective surgery or want to start a risky pastime, you need to buy special policies at higher rates.

3 From the accident. An important type of insurance, if you run the risk of health or life at work or on vacation. Signing the contract, you will be sure that there was a misfortune, your costs for treatment and recovery will be covered by insurance payments. On the cost of the policy will affect your lifestyle, your profession, duration of insurance (usually one year), and similar factors.


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