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5 Reasons to Have Insurance if you are off work Standalone

5 Reasons to Have Insurance if you are off work Standalone
Autonomy in the times in Spain is a great adventure, only suitable for people with a strong heart and good health. By general rule and unless it be off work to prevent us from doing our work, self-will to raise the shade of your business.

Being autonomous means to be the most important value of the company, its main asset. For though he put a temporary replacement, is the self which knows all the ins and outs of your business, the person that clients want to be served, and the person with the power of decision necessary seeking suppliers. Without it, the company does not produce the same pace, and every day that goes by without you is a day that costs accumulate and generate few benefits. For SMEs and freelancers that that "corporations are people" is true.

Therefore, although our health and spirit are of iron, we have our limits and no one is immune to a disease or accident to keep us away from our source of income. Check this situation we should have a temporary incapacity insurance (ILT) to help us cover the shortfall in revenue for the following reasons:

1 -. Being self no one is going to care about your needs, but yourself. Neither the bank nor the Treasury, suppliers or customers or will you give them grief for you to forgive your obligations to them.

. 2 - If you quote by the minimum social security base (as do the vast majority of self-employed in our country) or not have the minimum to cover your basic economic needs. Here are the awards for this year:

Minimum contribution base ...................................................... € 850.20

 .......................................................... low monthly fee € 253.36 (*)

Gross revenue for the Social Security first month ............................ € 501.62

Net income from Social Security first month ...................... (€ 501.62 € -253.36) € 248.26

Gross revenue for the Social Security other months ....................... € 637.65

Net income from Social Security other months ................. (€ 637.65 € -253.36) € 384.29

(*) I found on the web who claim that being low is not to pay the monthly Social Security (pity not to have marked pages) fee. If you pass through here would greatly appreciate if you share with us the information you have about it.

. 3 - No work to be low leading to increased our expenses (medical, medicines, transportation, substitutions, etc ...) when we will need more, not only a reduction of revenue.

. 4 - We minimize downtime for our customers to not seek other options in the competition, bored of waiting.

. 5 - It's a deductible expense up to 500 € per year for self-taxing for economic activities in income tax by direct assessment.

Here I leave some tips to purchase insurance off work.

Did you know low labor income of self-employed Social Security? Did I had raised at any time? If not, I hope at least now that you've spent a few minutes you do the following reflection. Do you think this insurance an expense or an investment in your business?


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